Radiant Hearts is an online multimedia program aimed at helping families with young children learn Baha’i prayers, memorize short quotations from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, and study spiritual qualities together.
The program consists of 19 lessons, ideally one to study each of the Baha’i months. Each lesson focuses on a spiritual quality, and consists of a prayer and a quotation set to music, two songs, and 19 simple activities (including printables) for each day of the month. Activities are geared to children four and under, will last from five to ten minutes, and require only very basic materials that they probably already have at home.
There is also a shortened lesson for the period of Ayyam-i-Ha.
The music of the “At First Light” series corresponds to this program so if you would like art activities and more to go along with learning the quotations and prayers, visit the Radiant Hearts page for downloadable resources, pictures, and more.